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Ohio Appeals Court Holds Perfection Not Needed for Valid Mortgage
ALTA’s TitleNews Online published the following article written by Mike Sikora, which provides a review of a ruling by an Ohio appeals court that addressed multiple property issues, including what […]
Massive Redevelopment Begins in Marble Cliff Quarry-Columbus
Sikora Law represented the lender that provided acquisition financing for the purchase of the property. The transaction was challenging given the environmental issues, but Sikora Law helped the lender and […]
Sikora Law Appellate Victory Summarized in ALTA Title Law Newsletter
Hat’s off to Bush Nielsen and the American Land Title Association for their excellent summary of our recent Ohio real estate title law appellate victory on reforming instruments. Click Here […]
Dower is on its Death Bed?
A Real Estate Bill to abolish dower in Ohio was reported out of the House Civil Justice Committee yesterday afternoon. The Ohio Land Title Association and Mike Sikora, on behalf […]
Congress Preserves Important Federal Historic Tax Credits impacting Commercial Real Estate in Ohio
Preservation of federal historic tax credits will be good for Ohio cities … and businesses. Ohio has many beautiful historic buildings that now stand a better chance of being preserved […]
Cleveland Give Back to Justice 2017
Supreme Court of Ohio Chief Justice Maureen O’Conner honors our own George Carr, former Chair of the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts Committee, for his outstanding leadership as a mentor and his […]